South park scientology folge deutsch
South park scientology folge deutsch

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#South park scientology folge deutsch full

It's a sect full of child molesting scumbags and since Chef is a person that is good with kids they want to use him to extend their reach. You really hoping somehow the South Park kids will be able to save Chefs soul from the Super Adventure Club which isn't very adventurous at all. When we first see Chef, we know there is a funk in his groove, your kind of already know he's been brainwashed as you see he's repeated certain exact words and answered in one to two word responses. Other than that, everything else is fine. Just push stop once Kyle finishes his elegy, to me that is where the episode really ended. The only bad thing about the episode was some of the final minutes at the end which was a sequel baited ending, which obviously didn't happen due to the actor passing away, but it was just one of those clichés I feel need to die, don't advertise if you're not going to deliver. This is also a different kind of episode for that show as it's indeed not all laughs but a tragic drama. So, the staff had to voice edit Issacs vocal clips, and I think they did an excellent job I honestly didn't even notice and at the time I saw this episode I didn't know Isaac departed early. Isaac Hayes didn't voice act in this episode so technically part one of the two parter was literally his last.

south park scientology folge deutsch

Though I'll admit this episode is even sadder as it hits a little too close to home as Isaac Hayes passed away two or three years latter which is one of the reasons why I sometimes get choked up watching this episode. Which makes me sad, this isn't a bad episode it's a good one but all the same it one of those episodes that makes you wonder what would have happened in season 10 had Isaac not left, I'm sure Trey and Matt had further plans for Chef in this season, but we'll never know. It was part 2 for the cliffhanger left in season 9, though due to Isaac leaving the show due to his misguided beliefs (Scientology, yeah, I know bummer), Trey and Matt had to change certain things. Warning do not read unless seen episode.This episode is another honorable mention and is also one of the saddest episodes I've ever seen.

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Plus the very last scene is also fantastic, Chef changed the meaning of the chocolate salty balls "no, I mean my balls". The conclusion is terrific with the speech of Kyle at Chef's funeral, "we shouldn't be mad at Chef for leaving us, we should be mad at that fruity little club for scrambling his brains". At one point Chef was together with the boys, they could escape but Chef leaved South Park for a reason, Chef dies, a very crazy and brutal scene but also very funny thanks to Cartman. So without Hayes they edited old audio and the result is simply hilarious, certainly this is not our Chef and the boys will try to get him back but the Super Adventure Club want their new f****** child molester, after all they brainwashed Chef to make him think that molesting children all around the world is fine, yes the Super Adventure Club is not at all like the Adventure Club since they don't go around the world seeking for adventure, they only have sex with children be immortals (the founder of the club was immortal until he died!). So pretty much all does make sense but if you know the stuff about the South Park-Scientology-Isaac Hayes case you will appreciate a lot more this episode and actually there is not a lot to know just that the fantastic South Park episode "Trapped in the Closet" satirized Scientology, Isaac Hayes voiced the character Chef but he was a Scientologist and he quick the show because of "Trapped in the Closet". I think that if somebody watches this episode without knowing a thing about the South Park-Scientology-Isaac Hayes case it is still a hilarious episode, like Trey and Matt says on the DVD commentary still it makes sense since here we see that Chef joined the Super Adventure Club and when he returned to South Park after his experience with that sick club he is acting in a very strange way and also he only talks about having sex with the children, simply Chef was brainwashed. I could get the DVD set of Season 10 and I didn't missed the chance here is the opening episode, a very clever one, more for the "war" against Scientology, of course about Isaac Hayes and in the end a great and really hilarious episode.

South park scientology folge deutsch